So I ended up going to the international office and asking Hanada-san to help me contact the post office so they would attempt delivery on a day that I would actually be at home. So hopefully tomorrow they will bring my package between 5 & 7 pm and I will be warm. Also as long as I was there I asked Hanada san to call the gas company so they would come & turn on my heater. It was soooo cold this morning that I didn't want to get out of bed and go to gym. We did a "20 meter shuttle run" in gym today where basically you run back and forth across the gym in time to this musical scale that keeps getting faster until you can't anymore. I really sucked and ended up in like the 3rd category (1 being worst & 10 being best). Karolina ended up in the 9th category. Which is disgusting because she ran back and forth like 50 times and then had enough energy to skip back up the hell slope to the dorm to change clothes afterwards. Gyah!!!!
In other news I bring more photos to share!!!! I've got some more scenery pics, one is really cool because you can literally see the clouds falling over the mountain across from us & I also have some pics that I took when we were in Sapporo a couple of weeks ago buying Karolina some winter clothes. ( I got a warm wool sweater, I was shocked I could fit into it!). So enjoy.
Last night we had dinner with the Koreans in the building. Well... there was a bit of a snafu actually because last week I got invited to eat dinner with Gyung Mi An & her sister in their apartment at the end of the hall I told them that I'd return the favor. So she asked me if we could do it sunday to which I replied ok. I was going to ask Karolina to come because they had asked me to invite her (or so I thought) and like she said she was having the other koreans over (Bonglim, Yung Eun, and I thought Jin) so I was like "ok that's cool" and I invited Jenna to eat with us instead. Apparently the snafu occured because An only speaks korean & japanese, no english & she was also invited to eat dinner with Karolina & for some reason thought that Karolina & I were hosting dinner together. So we all ended up eating together in the lounge & had a good time. :) I made spaghetti (jenna's recipe) and we had garlic bread, and I bought some cake slices for dessert, and Karolina made some japanese beef dish with potatos and had cookies and melon pan to share for dessert. I think it turned out pretty well. Oh! And for those of you who attended movie night last year at Japan Club's showing of "always" there is going to be a sequal!!! And it comes out nov. 3rd and I'm going to see it with An. (There is also mention of a cheese eating party to watch the original version which will be on tv nov. 2nd).